Kettlebell Kickboxing Canada

Kettlebell Kickboxing Canada is a fitness training program that combines Russian Kettlebell and martial arts movements to help clients improve their cardio, strength, and mobility. Led by CEO and Master Level Trainer Jodi Barrett, the program has gained a reputation for its unique approach to fitness training.

Services Utilized:

Industry Focus:

The Challenge

The business faced a challenge when launching their new website: they needed a video that would drive sales and conversions. However, they had previously commissioned videos that did not serve a clear purpose and could not be used multiple times.

Our Solution

As their digital marketing partner, we decided to take a different approach. After reviewing Kettlebell Kickboxing Canada’s existing video and photo content, we identified a gap: they did not have any customer testimonial videos. We strategized and proposed that the business create testimonial videos to help drive conversions, as well as a hype video featuring all the testimonials together. Additionally, we suggested that the business offer an irresistible promotion to drive traffic to the new website.

To achieve these goals, we carefully crafted a set of questions to guide the customer into talking about the things we wanted them to cover in their testimonials. We then planned and executed a shoot to record the videos within a day and edited them within the same week. Additionally, we helped the client with a photoshoot to create content for their website courses and social media.


The results were impressive. We delivered six high-quality testimonial videos for the website, one hype video for ads featuring all the testimonials, and a short promotional video for the irresistible offer. These videos were shared across social media, generating a significant amount of attention for the business. Additionally, the videos have proved to be timeless, continuing to drive conversions and sales long after their initial launch. The photos we took have also been used for social media and website content and helped to increase engagement and attract new customers.

Videography & Animation

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